Monthly Archives: August 2007


I want to thank this blog for, from time to time, giving me an excuse to vent my frustrations to an imaginary audience and then delete them before they are ever seen. I do this all the time (which is part of why there haven’t been many posts of late), I’ll be upset, write a blog entry, and then poof I feel better because I told someone about it, figure out what is wrong, and how to fix it. In this case, for my own notes more than anything:
Adderall + Caffeine – Food = crazy destructive energy.
It is so simple, adderall gives you energy and prevents you from feeling hungry, caffeine keeps you awake and/or heightens your energy and because you’re energized you are more active and burn more calories, but you don’t feel the need to eat so you don’t and then feel horrid but energized. This would be very frustrating (speaking from personal experience here); anger and destruction could very easily follow. Everything makes sense.
Anyways, yes, knitting, I’ve done very little, there’s these projects I’m working on above all others 1) cleansing my room of as much unneeded junk as I can bear to part with and 2) The secret project I was reading Writing for Comics with Peter David for and crazy time due to not eating has again cost me any progress on anything again tonight (I’ve lost more than 10 hours to crazy time due to not eating this week alone and it’s such a stupid thing to mess up your life for). It’s late and I should go eat something so I can function in the morning at least. TTFN!

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I have no clue why this is funny…

but it so totally is. And I don;t even speak German. Also I was reading Writing for Comics with Peter David (full story on why later) and it’s totally enjoyable and really funny. In particular there’s this part where he’s talking about internal and external conflict and he says (paraphrased and emphasized to better show the funny) “So Frodo’s got the internal struggle of the ring corrupting and tempting him while he’s fighting external struggles of orcs, balrogs, and basically everyone and their brother (literally) trying to get the ring from him” I’ve been laughing about this for like 15 hours now and it’s still funny. Yeah, I also had Lord of the Rings Fest a couple of weekends ago (Lord of the Rings fest bing when my friends and I watch all three extended editions in a row) which is probable why this is so funny.

Continually waving that geek flag, yep, that’s me.

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As go the Twins so go I, I would like to request a moment of blog silence for everyone effected by the collapse of the 35W bridge in Minneapolis today. It’s hard not to drive over that bridge, I did yesterday, my Mother and Sister both did today, my sister less than 10 minutes before the collapse. I hope everyone out there is fine.

Now, knitting!
So I hang out on the Lime and Violet Message Boards of Doooom and lately I participated in a swap for stitch markers. We all make enough markers for everyone in the swap and then we send them to a central person who then sends each person in the swap one marker made by each member of the swap. Now the theme was Lime and Violet and while everyone else in the swap pretty much thought of the colors, Lime Green and Violet (Purple). I, I took the road less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.
Now the Message Boards are a bit obsessed with Cthulhu, and there was a buzz about these My Little Cthulhu figures (I hesitate to call them dolls) and Cthulhu was mentioned as a possible topic and at that point, even though I voted for Harry Potter as the theme, I knew I was going to make these (sorry, they’re out of focus):
My Little Cthulhu Stitch Markers. They were a hoot and a half to make. And I did make a lot of them.
There were 13 people in the swap and we added Miss Lime and Miss Violet because they brought us all together, and I made an extra for breakage insurance. So I made 16 green Cthulhus, while watching the last six episodes of the wonderful Yakitate! Japan (an anime about baking bread, seriously) and drinking copious amounts of soda (I think it may have been Barq’s Root Beer, but I’m not sure). At the end of the greens I had leftover stitch marker materials and episodes, so I made more.Because the really charming thing about the My Little Cthulhus is that they come in both Green and Red, green for when Cthulhu is his normal self and Red for when he’s angry (interpretation stolen liberally from Miss Violet). So of course I had to add as many red Cthulhus as I could.
There are 20 altogether, and they were such fun. I also found out I’m a pretty deft hand at the Sculpey Clay, which worked out pretty well when I used my skills to make radish earrings for my Luna Lovegood costume for the Deathly Hallows release. Will you see more from me? Is an Etsy store in my future? Probably not, I have better (novelyer and knitterlyer) things to do with my spare time, but I like that I can always make a few makers should the need arise.


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occasionally, I do quizzes

You scored as Rogue, Rogue is a mutant who formerly possessed the ability to absorb the memories, abilities, personality, and outward physical characteristics of other beings through skin-to-skin contact.Rogue could also tap into the residual psychic energy of those she had imprinted to determine their status and to relive past events from their perspective.



Kitty pryde




Emma Frost


Jean Grey




What X-Men would you be? (Female Version).
created with

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