Monthly Archives: June 2006

I knit something I can show you!

Yay! I loved this project, really I did. I think it’s pretty… cunning, don’t you think?

A girl walks down the street in a hat like that, you know she’s not afraid of anything.

It’s the sweetest hat I’ve ever seen (all brazenly stolen from Firefly episode 12, “The Message”)
Yeah, my Firefly addiction is still going strong, quite strong I’d say. Last Thursday I was privileged enough to go to a charity screening of Serenity (the movie based on Firefly). I have to say that I enjoyed it much more than I did on my (fairly) small laptop screen. I loved being around the other browncoats as well, I even met a guy with a Jayne hat. I have to say that the combination of that hat and one of my friends needing to be cheered up (he’s really hurting, poor guy) made me knit this Jayne hat. I like hats, they’re such quick, short, fun projects. I’ve made a few this summer and I have yet to actually regret one. I made this one and it worked ok but it was a bit too long, so I felted it because I thought the only wool was the offending section, I was wrong and another section was wool as well. So apart from finding out I have a couple thousand yards of BRIGHT orange wool I also had a hat a bit smaller than my friend’s head. It does fit me however. I feel more Jayne-like keeping it for me anyway. I am however making him one that will actually, ya know, fit.
Also I’ve been watching a lot of soccer for some reason and as this is a fairly sedate activity I’ve been working on the long suffering Tubey, it’s coming along nicely. I decided to try it on today and while it looks workable in the front in the back does not fit at all. For a sweater with no pieces it sure looks a lot like I knit the back a size or two big. I’m hoping that once again my choice of 100 % wool will save my rear. I’ll get a full report once I’ve actually finished the darn thing (coming closer every day).
And now for something completely different. I’m a bit stalled in my Wot reread. It’s a result of finally passing the single best moment in the books ( *cough* Lanaeve consummates it *cough*) now I just don’t feel like it right now. I am for some reason in a nonfiction mood. and as I’m also in a Firefly mood (a show heavily based on the American Civil War) I’m tackling the monster known as “Battle Cry of Freedom”. It’s fairly definitive and it’s a part of the Oxford History of the United Sates. I think I’m gonna try and read that this summer. most of the sections will suit my mood in one way or another so it should all be fun. And if I ever find myself in an American History Class (virtually impossible) I’ll get an A no problem. And should I ever find myself in an American literature class (incredibly possible) I’ll get to play Hermione on the culture and context questions. Anyway I’ve been feeling like I can’t grasp my world building skills lately so I thorough study of a people should be right up my alley.
Well I’m waking up in 6.333 hours so I’m gonna close this post, this computer, and my eyes.
stay shiny!

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hi for a sec

I literally have no time, blogger is going bye bye on me (how sad, I guess they need maintenance too) I’m so sorry I haven’t been keeping up with ya’ll I’ve been having a great time since school let out, but I’ve never blogged well from home. I’m getting back into form and starting by writing for a half hour every (remining) day of June. then up for July and August. I can spend that time blogging for now and when I get better/add more time I’ll get to work on that there novel. So in major news, I’m designing socks that you can’t see for the next stitch n’ bitch book, or knitty or mag knits or whatever I can get them into (I really like them), I sat on a knitting needle, I saw baby bunnies in my yard, I re-learned to spin on a spinning wheel, and I took the leap and became a browncoat (i.e. a fan of Firefly). It’s an obsession, pure and simple. Not on HP level, more Wot, LotR, maybe one day reaching as high as Star Wars.
For clarification on the list I just displayed, I have varying levels of fandom (obsession). The pinacle of this is Harry Potter. HP is beneath God and a few other things in my life, but that’s it. I consider my stumbling upon HP a blessing, in my experience MOST of the good things in my life have come from my HP obsession (re. knitting and other things I just think of randomly as I go through life). Then as we move into past lives, comes Star Wars, if HP is a positive obsession, Star Wars was a healthy one, it ushered me through my transition from kids and teens books to being able to read adult books. I enjoyed it, it lived, it withered away, it came back, it lived a bit, it died. Once in a while I get pangs, I like the movies, LOVE the music (that was what star wars gave me, an appreciation for orchestral music), and I look on wikipedia to see what the characters are getting up to (I’ve made the decision not to read any more SW books, the Outbound Flight book is sorely tempting every time I enter a bookstore). LotR was not in any way healthy. I was in it as a fad. I really was, I was a devoted fangirl, I was better than most fad following fangirls. I read the LotR book 6 times, hobbit 3 and sil twice. I knew my shit, I really did, I had pretensions of being one of those people who read them every year, but I simply and completely outgrew it. I have no desire or inclination to reread them anymore, I like the movies a lot but it’s more of a god memories thing than an I love Tolkien thing. I feel so violated at being a fad follower, but I even did that in a fairly classy way (I never had anything near an “OMG Legolas is so hott, I’m gonna rite a story all about how he falls in love wit me–XOXO–Mary Sue” moment). In the present we have Wheel of Time. I think this is a thing of the moment, but unlike LotR and HP and SW but like Firefly it’s less well known. I enjoy it, I discuss with my fellows and should it go no further I have no regrets. No clue what Firefly will turn into but hopefully something good.
In fiber related news I’ve had a flurry of activity. I’ve been doing a bit of everything, in the last week I’ve knit, spun (on a wheel no less), dyed (with a pot and Kook Aid and NO SPILLING Mom), shopped for yarn online, went to the LYS, had a bit of a stitch n’ bitch, and even — crocheted! I started a River vest (firefly thing I’ll link when I start in earnest) and with my trusty autographed copy of the Happy Hooker (Mom got me one at Book expo) I was so very set for adventure. I want to get a bit of spinning in yet today and wake up is in 8.5 hours so good night and good bye!

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