Monthly Archives: February 2008

So, I is stupid.

Yeah, basically, I, who somehow manage to publish two “weekly” columns can’t seem to hit the publish button on the blog, meaning that posts haven’t been posted and the like (not that there have been many posts).

The main reason for this post is the new page tab you’ll see at the top of the layout. It contains links to everything I write that isn’t this blog. I’m sure most of you will see both, but hey it’s like an online compendium of my writing and is useful for me when I need to track down writing samples.

So my life is the usual, busy, homework-y, boring as regards my social life, nonexistant as regards my romantic life. I’m sick right now, so that sucks, I’m even too sick (really too tired on account of being sick) to knit. I’ve mostly been playing my DS. I beat Spiderman: Friend or Foe, which was really good, especially because the DS version used the DS’s 2 screens in a cool manner for the most part, but I was really disappointed in the lack of Daredevil and Elektra who are in the console games, but not the portable versions. I want another game to replace Friend or Foe in my choices (and because I have a grand total of 6 games that I can play on my DS, which is lame), and I’m trying to decide whether the DS version of Ultimate Spiderman is significantly better than the Game Boy Advanced (GBA) version. I have no clue about either, but I saw the game for $15 at the Target at home so it may come with me next time I’m there. Really I need to wait 2 days until I’m Birthday Girl and then maybe I’ll get a new toy. Before I got too sick to knit, I did do a bit of knitting:

Secret of the Stole ii is chugging along at a slothlike pace, mostly because I haven;t got a ton of time to work on it. I should really try to print out all of the charts soon, so I’m not left in the lurch when I don’t finish with everybody else.

My Kaylee socks are also chugging along. I brought them with me to the endorsing convention I went to on Saturday, but the crud I have now had started to steal my energy by then so I mostly played my DS (which is true of all of he last few days, I beat Spiderman: Friend or Foe in 3 sittings)

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Hey there blogosphere!

So… well I haven’t been blogging much, I’m really busy. The good thing is that much of the busyness is writing, so if I’m not blogging much, at least I’m still writing. You can catch me over at The Chum on “Saturdays” for The Knitter’s Guide to the Galaxy (my events column) and “Wednesdays” for Profiles of Fictional Knitters. The days are in quotes because I’ve been horrible at actually getting stuff written for those days by those days. Then I’m pretty active on Ravelry and Twitter (I update there at least once a day), I write for the school paper (because apparantly this is important if you want to work in publishing) and then there are classes, one of which is Creative Writing, for which I write a lot. I really meant busy when I said busy.

Anyway, dispite my non-bloggin of late I do like to at least use my blog to commemorate milestones in my life, and I reached a major Milestone in my knitting life this last Friday when I finally finished the Weasley Sweater


Sorry for the cruddy shot but I’ve got no time for more. Anyway I’ve been working on this Sweater off and on for over 2 years, I got the Encore DK from my mom for Christmas 2005 and immediately started on the sweater as my “interim project” well three interims on and I’ve finished it. It’s nice, but the acryllic means that my loose guage allows it to droop, a lot. It is warm though and will be nice to throw on as a sweatshirt like thing.

Well, that’s it for me for now. Maybe I’ll have more to say another time.

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