Monthly Archives: August 2008

Weird Dream…

So not a proper blog post, but no Microblogging service can contain the magnitudinal weirdness of this dream.

I was working at “Revision3” which is in quotes because I have seen video of Revision3 and the place in the dream was nothing like Revision3, but in the dream it was.  Bruce Banner, this other Guy, and I have a show on Revision3 (no clue what it was about, but it had to be awesome) and we have this Secretary and we never remember her birthday.  I get to work and the guys have rotated everything on the “Diggnation Set” (Diggnation isn’t filmed on a set) 90 degrees.  And I know Kevin and Alex are going to be pissed about this, but no one is going to be as pissed as Gary Vaynerchuck, who is going to Vayner-shank us (I can’t even think Vayner-shank without giggling maniacally, nor do I know exactly what a Vayner-shank implies, but in the dream it was freakin’ terrifying) anyway so I start yelling at the guys to come out and move all this stuff back or Gary is going to Vayner-shank us, when all of a sudden Gary pops up and I FREAK OUT.  I freak out by stapling my script excessively and running into out office, which seems pretty tame, but I tell you my dream self was scared for her dream life.  For the rest of the  dream Gary keeps popping up and I am sure he is going to Vayner-shank me (he never does, but I’m still scared the whole time).

When I get into the office the Secretary whose birthday we always forget shows up, I go back in time and relive the whole dream from her perspective (she really wants me to be Vayner-shanked) and then the dream pans over me and the guys sitting on the couch and on the end, but it’s a completely different couch, is Gary and I think this finally scares the dream guys because the next thing I know we’re all trying to switch the diggnation furniture, because now we have to replace the old furniture with identical new furniture (none of which has ever appeared on an episode of diggnation) and we’re moving the old Victorian fish tank when I look through and I see Bruce and his heart is racing and he’s wearing the exact orange hoodie he wore in the movie and he starts to Hulk out (Duh, I ❤ Hulk, Hulk would be in my dream) and then Gary shows up and is totally gonna Vayner-shank me and then I’m back in the Secretary’s point of view and she is really glad that I’m going to be Vayner-shanked and then my Dad woke me up and I will never know what happens next, but I think there are some clear lessons to be had from this dream:

  • Always remember your Secretary’s Birthday
  • Never go into show business with someone whose physical state is entirely dependent on their emotions
  • Don’t prank Diggnation


  • Gary Vaynercuck is terrifying.

Stop the internet now, I need to get off.

Notes before I go:

  1. I totally think Gary is a great person and I don’t think he would actually Vayner-shank anyone (unless I’m only saying that because he would Vayner-shank me otherwise, but I’m not)
  2. I know that most of you come here for knitting content, but I’m knitting a Clapotis and 3/4 of the knitters on the internet have knit one, so you don’t necessarily need to see mine, and I’m not making much progress anyway. However, I have some content for you:  This is my Loopy Ewe Gift Pack (won in their 2 year anniversary contest, Thank You Sheri!!!) with a really cute Red Tote (with a tag I just found reading “Sock Yarns don’t count as stash”), skein of All Things Heather in Lotus, and my very first skein of Woolmeise (Woolmeise!!!!!) I am so pleased and I really love the tote.
  3. I think it is funny that the same night I dream of Hulk, Matt Fraction dreams of Dr. Doom.  I haven’t even started working at Marvel yet, but I have already been plugged into the Marvel subconscous that actually controls the world (I don’t write Hulk, nor am I in any position to ever write Hulk, but if I were to write Hulk, we would see him Hulk Out through an ornate fish tank).

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